On Healing

Jan - Feb 2009

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  • There are two types of healing, whether it is physical healing or otherwise. One is removal of cause, which is good. The other is removal of symptom, which merely postpones the reckoning.

  • I pray for the removal of cause instead of the removal of symptom. If only the symptom is removed it will re-manifest or another symptom will manifest. This is only postponing the problem.

  • When you start using Healing Prayer, remember to pray for the removal of cause. A simple prayer is, “May this life come into harmony with God’s will.”

  • It is very important to concentrate only on the removal of cause, even though such healings are not as spectacular as the removal of symptoms.

  • It has been written, “Your faith has been made you whole.” Enough faith can remove mountains or symptoms. But my prayer for you is that cause will be removed so that your healing is permanent.

  • Spiritual science believes in spiritual healing, which is removal of cause, rather than psychic healing, which is removal of symptoms and only a temporary thing. With God’s help you can solve the problem and any other problem that life sets before you.

  • If you are able to put your life completely into God’s hands, with a genuine acceptance of God’s will, whatever it may be – physical healing may come, and spiritual healing will certainly come.

  • Healing always does not mean staying on this side of life. Sometimes God has other plans for his children – and both sides of life are really one.

  • I never work with sympathy on the removal of the headache or the removal of the pain in the joint or whatever a symptom might be. I use only the prayer that this life will come into harmony with God’s will.

  • I never hesitate to put a person into a healing circumstance – that is, into an uplifting, inspiring circumstance. That can hurt no one.

  • I do not hesitate to work on the removal of certain things that I know are cause of difficulties. For instance, I don’t hesitate to work on the removal of the worry habit or the anger habit or the fear habit.

  • I would suggest to people who are in need of healing: Beautiful uplifting music if they relate to beautiful music; the reading of beautiful words it they relate to beautiful words; and I would suggest the beauty of flowers, the beauty of God’s nature.

- Peace Pilgrim

[Peace Pilgrim (1908 – 1981) was a modern American saint and sage who spread the message of peace in individuals and the society at large throughout USA from 1953 to 1981.]

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