Children’s Innocence is being obliterated by the Modern Technology

Jan - Feb 2009

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The childhood is being snatched away

When the topic of children of the current generation comes, we are all reminded of our own childhood. How we used to play and study; how we managed to take time out for entertainment; how we spent time with parents and grandparents listening to the stories with wide-eyed wonderment! We are not so old that we are talking of something that occurred 60-70 years ago. Such atmosphere prevailed in the homes even 15-20 years back. There was then the tradition of joint families. Even when the family moved to a different location due to the transfer of father, the children made several new friends and found elderly people who guided them well. For whatever reason, the present generation of children has been experiencing tough times – be it carrying heavy bags on their backs or facing the enemy in its colorful garb who has entered every house. The idiot box that telecasted only news and farmers’ programs has progressed to become the new tutor of the current generation and is presenting it with too many attractive alternatives. Thus our children have been robbed of their innocence and childhood.

Today’s children have become slaves of technology

It is not one or two, but there are 300 channels that are available for kids to watch. In addition to this, the electronic generation of today has become enslaved to gadgets like mobile phones, computers, video games etc and hence prefers to spend their time in isolation rather than with other children. They have in a way become too dependent on technology. They do not have time to spend with their parents, grandparents and elders. This is the situation of each town and city. They neither get to listen to those wisdom-filled grandma’s stories nor have they those toys that we of earlier generation played with. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the children have become too hi-tech. When the parents have become prisoners of a new technology, it is but natural that the child also gets addicted to it. That is how homes have been transformed into ‘offices’. Hence, children have also adopted newer technologies at a tender young age during which they should have been frolicking around and playing with friends and playmates.

Emotional development is being adversely affected

The innocent childhood has been lost somewhere. The stories and lullabies are almost non-existent. Only things that are present are the cell phones, computers, video games and cartoon shows. The biggest negative effect of all these things has been that children are maturing much before their age. They might apparently look young, but their brains are much more complicatedly developed, sharp and capable of conspiracy and deception. They feel like applying whatever they watch on television in their own lives. According to psychologists, process of healthy and natural development of such kids is disrupted, causing turmoil in both physical and mental planes. Sometimes we see the ill effects in the form of children going astray. Technology has put an end to the sensitive feelings of children. Their life has become too mechanized. Several heinous crimes are being committed by children. Could we ever have imagined a teenage boy killing his classmate with his father’s pistol? But such incidents are occurring today. Desire towards sex is prematurely aroused and moreover it is finding an outlet through pornography made available through internet and other media. This is a very dangerous development. There are other horrifying incidents that have happened, which imply that if the situation is not firmly handled now, things may go out of control. Internet has led to information explosion but, at the same time, it has the disadvantage that there is no access-control to it.

Exploitation in the form of ‘Reality Show’

The other dangerous thing that has started these days is the concept of ‘reality show’. In the name of the show, the pocket of common man is slowly being plundered through SMSes and the companies are getting benefited. Dance and singing competitions for children are being conducted in various channels at par with those for elders. If there was the concept of developing or recognizing talent, it would have been understood, but all these are becoming very commercial and a means of marketing one’s talent. When a child’s talent is thus marketed and a sense of acute competitiveness encouraged, the confidence of the child who loses is completely shattered. Why are the leading people in the society not able to see through the whole conspiracy? With the instances of suicide and schizophrenia mushrooming, the question of where we are leading the lives of our children has to be carefully considered. How justifiable is it to shower big prizes on children and make them perform dances that are very provocative at such an young age? In this whole sordid episode, the ambitious parents are also at fault when they want to see their children on the TV at any cost. In reality, the words of the author Suryabala appear to be correct – ‘These TV programs are killing the sensitive emotions of children.’

This is a well-planned conspiracy

In the recent past, the rebuke from the judges in a competitive program had sent a participant all the way to the hospital and a children’s association had expressed its anguish at it. In reality, childhood is being put for sale in the market. A girl by name Shinjini went into such a deep shock that she lost her voice. Son of a renowned journalist from Delhi refused to go to hospital because he was to attend the audition of a TV reality show. He somehow persuaded his son for treatment but this incident made him think that he had to arrange for some good coaching in music, else the people in TV channels will misguide his son. It is a well known fact that music and dance schools have mushroomed in Mumbai and Pune with special focus on performing in TV. Such people are charging huge sums of money which the ambitious parents are happily paying in expectation for false social status, money and for boosting their ego.

Let the delicate mind not get bruised

Various types of competitions and tournaments are essential for the overall healthy development of a child’s personality. But it is acceptable when the intelligence and the talent of the child are judged accurately and when it is according to our culture. None of the children at tender ages of less than 10 should be bogged down by either being crowned first, second or third. When small kids perform steps that were done by heroines and are not of their age, it is almost like gambling with the psychology of the child and hindering their holistic growth. Though they do not understand the indecent thinking, it unconsciously enters their tender minds and they begin to mature much before their age.

The so-called judges, when they pass remarks or applaud someone and announce someone as the loser based on votes, they are literally giving a blow to confidence and psyche of the child. According to Madhu Pant, Ex-director of National Bal Bhavan – ‘In the name of popularity, the children are being emotionally exploited. The pressure from the parents and fellow participants is capable of taking the child into depression faster.’ In reality, children are dying of fear and pressure each moment because of these shows. They do not like being insulted among others of their age group and psychologists term this as a grave mental disorder.

Artificial lifestyle

Dr. Jitendra Nagpal, Senior Psychiatrist of NIMHANS hospital has expressed strong opposition to calling these TV programs as ‘reality show’. He says – ‘The life led by a common man is what is called reality. But the moment a camera comes in between, it becomes a drama. In this way, these programs become artificial and drama-like.’ Recently, National Children’s Council reacted to these situations and came up with a set of rules and regulations by forming a committee that consists of psychologists, social welfare workers, personnel related to the TV channels and other experts. But, what will happen through all these, unless and until the mind of the common man does not wake up from its slumber?

This invasion has encouraged unculturedness

TV channels are resorting to every possible ruse to increase their TRP ratings of their programs. Children are mere pawns in their hands. We have to respect the talents of the kids, but to keep the ambitions of their parents under control, they have to be trained accordingly. There can be many ways of showcasing talent and using it for general entertainment. There can be competitions organized at school level, at least those will not be as taxing and damaging as the reality shows! The universal access to TV, several models becoming easily available, the networks getting developed at equally great speed, availability of movies and other things right in the room all 24 hours of the day, have attacked the fundamental tenets of Indian culture. This not only has snatched the childhood from our kids, but is also grooming the future generation to become ‘movie artists’ instead of builders of the Nation. When the world of theater fluorished, there was cultivation of creativity. There were dramas for training and grooming the public. There were plays of Harishchandra which made Gandhi tread the path of Satya (truth), but the electronic media and technology are pushing our children away from us.

Transformation of thought is the only solution

Transformation of thought on the large scale is the only way to pull out the society from the present morass of immorality in the guise of entertainment. This poison is so seductive that it destroys the very roots of our personality. All of us have to seriously think of how the minds of future citizens of India could be made healthy and filled with ennobling susamskaras (righteous impressions). It is a grave challenge and a great opportunity for the enlightened elites of society.

Before concluding, let us remember with deep reverence one of the greatest spiritual teachers of modern India, Swami Vivekanand, whose 146th Jayanti falls on January 12. This is what he expected of the youth of his time; and the call is even much more relevant for the new generation of today – ‘A hundred thousand men and women, fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to lion’s courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of social raising up – the gospel of equality….’

With Prayer-filled Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Purposeful New Year -2009; and Greetings on the Auspicious and Joyful Vasant Parva

(Pranav Pandya)

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