The Universal Joy of Music

Sep - Oct 2008

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Music consists of a variety of ups and downs and tuning and fusing of different streams of sound waves that trigger specific flow of swaras (musical notes).  The rhythm of musical composition regulates its currents to generate specific effects on the jaDa (inanimate) and cetan (animate) forms of the world.

Like the Doppler effect of the superimposition of coherent sound waves, the physical impact of certain compositions of the seven notes (the sapta swaras) of music could be so powerful that it might even quiver a concrete building or stir the waters in a pond or sea.  The effects of music on the cetan are more wonderful.  Be that a tree, plant, animal or a human being, they can never remain untouched by the flow of swaras present in the Nature.  No living entity could be indifferent to the marvelous effect of music. 

Music is an expression of the joy of Nature and has an intimate relationship with every vibration of Nature.  The functions of the human body and mind, being most prominent among the ever-active centers of the expression of cetan, are naturally the most sensitive targets of the force of music.

“Music gives relief from insomnia” – this effect seems to be well known and is existing in practice since the time of yore in the form of the tradition of ‘singing of a lullaby by a mother to make her child sleep well’.  With the advancement of technology, recorded lullaby and audiocassettes of especially composed music are also found in common use.   Adults too listen to music to relax their body and mind by ‘bathing’ these conscious faculties in the soothing shower of the sonorous swaras.

Dr. Atkinson's established method, in which he used to advise the patients of insomnia to repeat the counting and reverse counting of numbers – has become less attractive before the music-based treatments because the latter also offers joy along with sleep.  In the spiritual healing methods, the mental recitation of Onkara is advised for total relaxation of the nerves – leading to deep sleep.   The continuous chanting of Oam itself generates a unique flow of Nada (music, in its eternal form).  Therefore, this practice also falls under the music-based therapies.          

If we pay little attention we will find that every species of birds and animals around us have ‘musical’ voice; be that the tinkling of the beetles, singing of a nightingale or the grumbling of a frog or roaring of a lion – each has its own natural rhythm.

Experiments on many animals have shown that they can be trained within a period of 30 to 35 days in listening to music so that they would even forget about their food while listening to their favorite musical tune.  Gorillas, chimpanzees and other apes are used to some habits that are also common among human beings; for instance, they can be cheered up by good music.  It has been observed that the melody of flute and violin are the most favorite music of these animals.  The animals like hippopotamus and rhinoceros are known for their deadly sleep.  Only the sharp pinch of hunger can break their lethargy and sleep.  Interestingly, music has also been successful in doing so.  It is observed that when certain type of music is played near them they get up and instead of moving elsewhere, they sit quietly and listen to the music until it is over.  They find the music of Saroda so amusing that they start swinging their heads in the rhythm and some unusual expressions are noticed on their faces on such occasions. 

Many a times, the elephants, horses, bears, monkeys, dogs and foxes are seen dancing in tune with the instrumental music without any prior training of this sort.  The wild cats seem to like the music of pipe bands more to that of other instruments. Surprisingly, even crocodiles are found to be swaying with the flow of the music of their liking.  In view of the similarities of the rabbits and monkeys with that of a gross human body in some respects, Dr. George Fur Wilson had initiated systematic experiments to investigate the effects of music on these animals.

When even the poisonous creatures like the snakes and scorpions and the tiniest varieties of the birds could be sensitive to music then what about the potential and influence of music on the emotionally evolved species like the human beings?

The effects of music on human body and mind are universal. There may be different opinions about the existence of God and the philosophies of life; but, there could be no place for controversies or counter thoughts when it comes to accepting the terrific, almost hypnotizing influence of music.  Eternal love of humans with music indicates that it is a natural phenomenon.  

The Upanishads state –

Brahn Prañava Sandhann Nado Jyotirbhaya¡ Ïiva¡ |
Swayamavirbha Vedatma MedhapayeaSHumaniva ||
Sidhdasane Sthito Yogi Mudran Saandhama VaiSHñavim |
Ï—añuyaddakSHiñe Karñe Nadabhannargatan Sada ||
Abhyasyamano Nadoayan Vahyamab—añute Dhwanim |
PakSHadwiparkSHakhalan Jitwa Turyapadan Vrajeta ||
                        – NadabindupniSHada 30 31|32

Meaning: When we meditate upon the unity of the soul and the Brahn, the glow of the Paramatma (the Supreme Soul) is realized as the eternal divine music – Nada.  The yogi should sit in siddhasan with a vaiSHñavi mudra and attempt listening to the anahata nada internally. After sustained and long practice, the external sound disappears and the sadhaka attains the state of turya (ultimate inner peace and stability).

The above statement signifies the linkage between eternal music and the Brahn. A thorough sadhana of pure music can certainly help awaken divine virtues and potentials in the individual self.   

A natural question arises here – ‘If music has such an intimate relationship with the eternal source of human life and with its ultimate end then why every musician, singer, dancer or a music lover does not always experience at least a glimpse of the divine bliss of uniting his or her consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness?’  In fact, this is a subject matter of the depth and spiritual level of the inner self.  One cannot have such experiences without being immersed in the ocean of music through the inner core of the heart – such absorption is possible only if one’s mind and the inner self is pure and if the music is natural and a true manifestation of Nada. Nevertheless, good classical music, if played, sung or heard with emotional concentration, does offer divinely soothing effects on the body and the mind. It also increases the attraction of the individual self towards the origin of his consciousness.

It is often observed that cruel, dry hearted, selfish and egotist persons do not have great liking for music. Strong affection with natural arts like music indicates higher levels of one’s compassion and emotional sensitivity and is regarded as the first step towards developing spiritual fitness.

In the routines of daily life, we usually find that our body gets tired in the evening; although it is not tired in the morning – just after leaving bed, but it feels somewhat drowsy. This is because at both these times the harmonious level of protoplasm – the building material of the living bodies - is perturbed.  

If one does a heavy physical work during these time periods, one often feels the pressure of weakness that further increases his mental fatigue and vexation – the latter are often reflected in his anger or irritation without any real cause. If one eats or drinks something warm during these time periods, the molecules of protoplasm are excited momentarily.  But this ‘energy wave’ of stimulation is like a sudden stormy breeze that shakes the trees upside down for a short while and leaves behind a scary solitude. The illusions and instabilities of the mind and the tendency of making blunders during the daytime and frequent experience of nightmares – found in the people, who consume intoxicating and stimulating substances, are results of such a stormy excitation in the activity and level of protoplasm.  For this reason, intoxication during the evening and the morning hours is said to be extremely dangerous for health. 

The consistent flow of sonic waves emanating from a soft and slow music generates a massaging of the particles of the protoplasm and energizes them in a manner similar to what the joy of meeting a beloved one does to our heart and mind.  Therefore, a melodious music, practiced or heard during early morning gives energy and strength in the body, boosts fresh activities in the neurons and induces soothing sensation in the mind, heart and emotions. This, during the evening time, similarly offers pleasant relaxation and peace.  The practice of singing prayers and devotional songs and inspiring music or listening to such musical performances every morning and evening is indeed an exercise for up-keeping physical alacrity and mental creativity.

The botanical experiments of Dr. Singh and Ms. Stella of the Anna University have shown remarkable effects of music on a variety of plants.  It is found that the plants and trees grown in sonorous musical ambience were straight, much taller, healthier and more productive as compared to their counterparts without such treatment. The flowers of the musically treated trees and plants also lived longer and gave better seeds at higher rates. Similar results are found in some experiments on the crops of rice and potato in Canada. The researchers comment that protoplasm in the trees rests in an unstable state like a liquid filled in a pit.  The waves of music vibrate and activate it like a snake swinging to the tune of a bina.  The protoplasm in a human body also flows smoothly with the currents of music. Dr. Arthur Locker of Wisconsin, who is known for his detailed research on the power of music opines that – as the plants are protected from germs by special musical treatments, so could be the human body.

The tremendous potential of music in engrossing the conscious and subconscious mind has also attracted research in some developed countries. This research is focused at finding the methods of using music as an effective means for hypnotizing and giving psychological treatment.

Music generates gross as well as sublime effects on humans.  The increase in the physical energy and mental alertness and cheerfulness after performing or attending a programme of musical concert or classical dance are some of the well known gross effects apart from the biological effects discussed above.  In some countries, the rhythmic sound waves of music are being used in medical applications and even in surgical operations. The swara sadhana of music is like a prañayama that strengthens the lungs and enriches the reservoir of vital energy in the body.  Healthy digestive system, broad and stout chest, strong bones, deep sleep are some of the other common gross effects of this sadhana.   

The deeper effects of divine classical music generated from the Vedic compositions are said to manifest at the emotional level in the form of – expansion in the sentiments of pure love, compassion, generosity, cooperation, tolerance, and altruist service.  A person, blessed by these inspirations of music would not be deprived of friendly support, healthy cooperation, serene love and joy in the external world too.

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