Life is Incessant Change

Mar - Apr 2007

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    The two-month period of March-April is the transitional link when the vibrantly alive and radiantly fragrant spring peaks out and there are subdued signals of the slow advent of dry, sunny and scorching summer.

Change is the fundamental law of Nature and Life. Of all the creations on earth only human beings have been gifted with the free will and wisdom to make choices and yoke the Law of Change for self-improvement, self-growth and collective well-being. At present, changes are occurring in nature and humanity at an unprecedented pace; and call for conscious, concentrated and enlightened efforts by human beings individually as well as collectively to rise out of ego-encaged, divisive consciousness into the unitive cosmic consciousness. This alone can reverse the present helpless hurtling down of Earth with all its myriad manifestations of Life (including human) into the abyss of Doom.

In the modern era it is our Gurudev who had clearly visualized the gravity and grimness of the situation (mostly brought about through man’s own diabolic exploitation of Nature for self-aggrandizement) and had outlined a precise plan of action for ushering in an era of peace, holistic harmony and happiness – ensuring universal well-being – through life-transforming Gayatri Sadhana. We Gayatri Pariwar Parijans, have therefore to work wholeheartedly and resolutely towards the fulfillment of our Gurudev’s vision and mission. The coming Chaitra Navratri (March 19-26) will be a special occasion for us to undertake intensive Gayatri Sadhana through Laghu Anushthan of 24000 Gayatri Mantra Japa during this holy Parva for self-purification and spiritual recharging.

19th March (The first day of the Parva) will also mark the beginning of the new Vikram Samvat – 2064, which makes the Navratri Parva all the more auspicious for Sadhana. All Parijans are exhorted and advised to take up an intensive Laghu Anushthan for their own as well as humanity’s spiritual well-being.

The annual school examinations in many parts of the country will be held during March. We send our best wishes to all examinees for excellent performance. Faith-filled Gayatri Japa will be a source of special inspiration for them.

All worthwhile and purposeful change in human affairs begins through individual self-awakening, which then spreads as a ripple effect in the society. In this connection, let us as Sadhaks listen to the clarion call of Swami Vivekanand:

“Arise, awake, sleep no more. Within each of you there is the power to remove all wants and all miseries. BELIEVE this, and that Power will be manifested….”

With Navratri Parva and Ramnavami Greetings,
Pranav Pandya

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