Yagya Therapy for Oral and Dental Diseases and Tuberculosis

July - Aug 2007

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Yagya-therapy has been found to be quite effective in the cure of a variety of contagious diseases and the diseases caused by bacterial, viral attack/infection including those of oral and dental systems.  

A special havan samagri is prepared by grinding the following combination of dry herbs/plant medicines as rough powder. In case all the constituents are not available, one should use as many of these as possible. The homa (yagya) is performed by sacrificing in the yagya-fire this havan samagri mixed, in equal proportion, with the usual havan samagri of Gayatri Yagya.  The latter is generally useful for vigorous health. Special havan samagri consists of –– Somalata or Giloya (Tinospora, Guduchi), Brahmi (Hydrocotyle Aisatica), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy), Nagkesar (Cobra's saffron, Ironwood of Assam), Mulhati, Lal Chandan, Baheda, Sonth and Harad, Agar, Tagar, Jatamansi, Guggal (Indian Bedellium), Devdar (Himalayan Cedar) and Nagarmotha. Small quantities of odorous, sweet and healthy nutrients like saffron, musk, badi illaychi, jayphal, javitri, camphor, jaggery, sugar, dried grapes (raisins), chhuhara, clarified butter (ghee), dry-fruits, dry coconut, and a mixture of  barley, rice and sesame seeds (in the ratio of 1:2:3) are also used in yagya.

The wood used in yagya-fire is also of selected medicinal type; usually, Mango, Shami, (Sponge tree), Peepal (Poplar leaved Fig tree), Palash (Flame of the Forest) are recommended for this purpose.  Volatile healthy substances and phytomedicines are spread in the vapors, gases, colloidal output of yagya, oral and nasal inhalation and skin transport of which bring the desired effects in a most natural way. The mantra (Vedic Hymn) prescribed for yagya-therapy of dental and oral diseases like pyorrhea is the “Surya Gayatri Mantra”. This should be chanted loudly and the herbal preparation should be sacrificed in the holy fire of yagya at the end of each chant.  

Remedy of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as among the most dangerous diseases rampant in most parts of the under-developed and developing world.

Dr. Fundan Lal Agnihotri, a reputed Allopathy expert on Tuberculosis has presented in his book[1] over twenty-five hymns from the Vedas, which make mention of some kinds of germs and bacteria in general and those causing Tuberculosis in particular; several of the hymns cited by him deal with treatment of Tuberculosis by yagya.  A sample of these is shown below together with the meanings, as given by him:

Indrasya Ye Mahi D—aÌat Krimervishvasya Tarhañi |
Tayi PinaÌmi Sam Kriman DraÌada Khalvaó Iva ||  

–Atharv. Ka. 2||Sukta-31|| Mantra-1

Meaning: The grand ‘force’ of this yagya will ruin all the germs and bacteria, as a big stone crushes and powders grains beneath it.  

H—adayat Te Pari Klomno Halºkshñat Parshvabhyam |
Yaksha® Matasnabhya® Plinho Yaknaste Vi V—ahamasi|| 

–Atharv. Ka. 2 ||Sukta-33 ||Man.-3

Meaning: I (Yagya) eliminate all the tubercular disease (infection) from your (the patient’s) lungs, respiratory canals, heart, bones, marrow, liver, intestines, kidneys, etc.  

The following herbal/plant medicinal preparation is used in anti-tuberculosis yagya. Sacrifices (ahutis) of this preparation are made in the yagya-fire with rhythmic loud chanting of the Surya-Gayatri Mantra.  On an average, the ahutis (made with the sound of “swaha” at the end of the mantra) should continue for 25-30 minutes every day; or, at least 24 ahutis should be offered. Upon completion of ahutis, deep breathing exercise or pranakarshan pranayam should be practised for at least 10 minutes sitting in front of the yagya-kund. 

Constituents: Adhatoda Vasica (vasa), Aegle Marmelos Correa (bael), Aquilaria Agallocha (agar), Asparagus Racemosus Willd (shatawar), Arilmyristica Fragrans  (javitri) , Balce Kubati (kamal Gatta ki Giri), Capparis Moon ii wigh (rudanti), Cress Cretica Linn. (rudravanti),  Cedrus Deodara (deodara), Cinnamomum Tamala (tezpatra), Commiphora Mukul (guggle), Convolvus Pluricaulis (shankhpuspi), Crocus Sativa (keshar) Desmodium Gangeticum (Shaliparni), Gmelina Arborea (Gambhari), Leptadenia Reticulata (jivanti), Mesua Ferrea Linn (nagkeshar), Myristica Fragrans HOUTT (jaiphal), Nelumbium Speciosum (neelkamal), Oroxylum Indicum Vent. (shyonak), Pterocarpus santalinus Linn (red Chandan), Santalum album Linn (white Chandan), Solanum Indicum Linn (Badi Kantkari), Solanum Xanthocarpum (Chhoti Kantkari), Stereospermum Suaveolens DC. (padhal), Swertia Chirata (Chirayta), Syzygium Aromaticum (laong), Tephrosia Purpurea Lin (sharpunkha), Tinospora Cordifolia (giloy), Uraria Picta Desv. (prasniparni), Valeriana Wallichi (tagar), Withania  Somnifera  Dunal  (aswagandha).
For multiple benefits and greater impact it is suggested that one should perform yagya using the havan samagri that consists of finely mixed fresh but dry powder of the above-mentioned herbal/plant medicines.   


1.    Agnihotri F.L. (2004): Yagya Chikitsa – Kshaya Roga Ki Prakratic Achook Chikitsa. Satyadharm Prakashan, Rohatak; Haryana, India.

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