Chaitra Navratri Parva - The most favorable time for augmenting divinity

Mar - Apr 2004

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From Chief Editor’s Desk:

The coming Chaitra Navratri Parva – March 21-30, 2004 – is envisioned to be of a very special significance for the cultivation and augmentation of the indwelling divine virtues and energies for Gayatri Sadhaks who undertake the prescribed s³dhan³ practices and austerities during this period with enlightened faith, fervor and focus. Our sages had found, through their seer vision, that the interplanetary configurations during the two Navratri Parvas of nine days each falling in the months of Chaitra (March-April) and Ashwin (October-November) are exceptionally surcharged with divine energies and vibrations – which can be accessed and assimilated by the individual human consciousness through intensive s³dhan³. Seers with prophetic vision have proclaimed that human consciousness is going through a rare transformative phase during this first decade of the third millennium. This Navratri Parva (March 21-30) is all the more auspicious and helpful for spiritual s³dhan³ consciously aimed at self-observation, self-purification and self-transformation. Practices like fasting, jap, abstaining from gross bodily and sensual gratification are initial and preliminary steps in our pilgrimage towards our Spiritual Essence – our true Home and Self. These are essential aids and preparations towards cleansing, purification and ennoblement of our psyches – which are cluttered with the debris and dirt of our ego-centered sanskars accumulated over countless number of earlier embodiments. Objective self-observation is essential for clearly seeing and pinpointing the hordes of beastly tendencies hidden in the deep and dark recesses of our inner being. This enables us in resolutely uprooting and sweeping out these devilish drives from our hearts and minds Simultaneously we have to imbibe, implant and nurture by regular practice the ennobling and altruistic qualities of compassion, kindness, caring and sharing – motiveless loving service.

Conscious and concentrated Gayatri Jap – done in the state of calm and quiet mind – leads the s³dhak to light - and bliss - filled dimensions of consciousness through contemplation and meditation. In this connection we would like to draw the attention of Gayatri parijans to Gurudev’s masterly and illuminated exposition of the essence of Gayatri Sadhana in the booklet – Upasana ke do Charan: Jap aur Dhyan. This booklet has proved to be a superb manual of guidance to sincere and serious Gayatri Sadhaks. For us Gayatri M³ symbolizes the Primordial Creative Force of Supreme Divine.

We the members of global Gayatri Pariwar are Gurusattas’ spiritual progeny and hence the inheritors of the monumental attainments of their S³dhan³ and Siddhis, which they have bequeathed to us as invaluable spiritual assets. We are entitled to draw upon their assets to be able to become superconductive channels for the transmission of the effulgent Light of the Spiritual Sun for foundational transformation of human consciousness. Initially we can start with focused contemplation on the form of Gurusatta or the Deity (Rising Sun for Gayatri Sadhaks). This steadily leads to an effortless plunge into the formless Eternal Source. This is what is referred to as LET GO AND LET GOD. The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram has succinctly expressed such an aspiration in her prayer.

                  “O Lord! I pray to Thee to guide my foot steps and enlighten my mind, so that
                    at every moment and in all things I may do exactly what Thou wants me to do.”

The Gayatri Parijans are ardently urged to intensively and fervently undertake Jap-Dhyan Sadhana during coming Navratri Parva. It is an inner attitude of aspiration, purification and surrender that matters the most and not the technique we adopt.
    The period of one year between Vasant Parva of 2004 and 2005 has been designated by the Gayatri Mission as the year for intensive and in-depth dissemination of Gurudev’s vision of the descent of the Heavenly Era on Earth – through implementation of the Mission’s seven-point programme of individual and social transformation.
Let all of us, brothers and sisters of G³yatºi Pariwar, resolve to give our best towards the fulfillment of the world-redeeming vision and will of our Master – the World Teacher, Pandit Sriram Sharma, Acharya. With Divine force and formless all-accomplishing blessings we will definitely see positive change coming into visibility in human affairs before the advent of Vasant Parva of 2005.

Shantikunj,                            Dr. Pranav Pandya
Hardwar                                Chief Editor
Uttaranchal(India)                Head – All World Gayatri Pariwar &
249411                                    Chancellor – Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya

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