Peace Pilgrims steps towards inner peace

Mar - Apr 2004

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Peace Pilgrim (1908 - 1981) was a modern American saint and sage who spread the message of peace in individuals and the society at large throughout USA from 1953 to 1981. She walked on foot for 25,000 miles from 1953 to 1964  literally WALKING HER TALK. In short, her message was  overcome evil with good; falsehood with truth and hatred with love. We sum up below the gist of her teachings for the benefit of our readers. -- Editor
* Stop being an escapist or a surface liver, as these attitudes can only cause inharmony. * No problem comes to you that do not have a purpose in your life. * Problems are opportunities in disguise. * If you do not face problems you would just drift through life.
2. LIVE ALL THE GOOD THINGS THAT YOU BELIEVE IN * Bring your life into harmony with the laws that govern this universe. Obedience to these laws pushes us towards harmony and disobedience towards in harmony. * If you know but do not do you are very unhappy person. * Make a quick relinquishment. Tapering off is long and hard. * If I believe something I live it.
3.FIND YOUR PLACE IN THE LIFE PATTERN * Every one of us has a special place in the life pattern. Seek your part in the life pattern in receptive silence. * The secret of life is being of service. Do all the good things you feel motivated towards.
* Simplify your life to bring the inner and outer well being into harmony. * We measure in terms of money, in terms of material things. But happiness and peace do not lie in that direction. * Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. * Cluttered lives are out-of-harmony lives and require simplification. * Wants and needs can become the same in human life. * There is a great freedom in simplicity of living.
* In your diet stress vital foods - fruits, whole grains, vegetables and nuts. * I enjoy my food; but I eat to live and do not live to eat. * I am stronger than that cup of coffee! * Get as much sunshine and fresh air and contact with nature as you can. * I take my exercise by walking and swinging my arms.
6. PURIFY YOUR THOUGHTS * It is not enough to do and say right things. You must think right things. * Those who do unloving things hurt themselves spiritually. * Positive thoughts can be powerful influences for good. * Negative thoughts can make you physically ill. * Be sure there is no unpeaceful situation between you and any other human being. * Never think of any effort as being fruitless. All right effort bears good fruit, whether we see results or not. * If you love people enough, they will respond lovingly. * Every moment of our lives we create through thought. We create our inner conditions. We help to create the conditions around us. 7. PURIFY YOUR DESIRES * Get your desires centered so you will desire only Gods will for you. * After you have become an example, you can inspire others to change themselves.
* Your motive should never be greed or self-seeking or self-glorification. * If you are to find inner peace, your motive must be an outgoing motive; it must be service. * Every moment is a new opportunity for service. * The joy of living is giving. You will never be happy unless you are giving. * Know that every right thing you do, every good word you say, every positive thought you think - has good effect.
* Once you have relinquished self-will you have found inner peace. * The beginning of the spiritual growing up is when you feel completely willing to leave the self-centered life. * Concentrate on giving so that you may open yourself to receiving. * Results should never be sought or desired. * The spiritual life is the real life. All else is illusion and deception.
* All of us all over the world are cells in the body of humanity. * As long as you work for your selfish little self you are way out of harmony.
* No one is truly free who is still attached to material things or to places or to people. * We must be able to appreciate and enjoy the places we tarry and yet pass on without anguish when we are called elsewhere. * In our spiritual development we are often required to pull up roots. * Anything that you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you. * Material things must be put into their proper place. * A great many of us are possessed by our possessions. * You do not possess any other human being. You can only live in harmony with your fellow humans if you have no feeling that you possess them.
* No outward thing  nothing, nobody  can hurt me inside. * Recognize that all of your inner hurts are caused by your own wrong actions. * If you realize that those who do mean things are psychologically ill, your feeling of anger will turn to pity. * Worry is a useless mulling over the things we cannot change. If you live in the present moment you will be less apt to worry. * Since this is the only moment that you can live, if you do not live it you never really get around to living at all.

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