A Glimpse of The Golden Future

As a futurologist, Acharyashri has demonstrated unique ability to predict the future. During the last decade, when the cold war was at its zenith, he had accurately presaged about the impossibility of a third world war, nuclear non-proliferation and failure of the star-war program. Some of his predictions of global importance that have come true are highlighted in the Chapter 1 of this booklet. Chapters 2 and 3 present translations of some of his published works pertaining to the changes in the world map, socio-economi

1.Time-affirmed foretells of the Yugrishi 
2.There will be radical change in the present map of the globe
3.Our role in the new world order The last message of Yugrishi 
5.Footnotes/glossary of Sanskrit wordsc order and advent of a Golden Era in the 21st Century.

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