Resolve Not To Succumb To Laziness

Jan - Feb 2013

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Enthusiasm, disciplined nature and time-keeping are three virtues which are considered to be indispensable in improving one’s personality. These virtues automatically create such favourable conditions which help to boost person’s knowledge without much effort.

H. W. Longfellow has aptly said, ‘The heights of great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flights. But they, while the companions slept, were toiling upward in the Night.’ “A donkey which is eager to work would accomplish more than a (mighty but) lazy horse”- One philosopher has rightly said.

We may not be able to lengthen our life span but if we make proper use of each and every moment of life, we can certainly accomplish far more than what is only possible by living a longer life. Therefore, in the New Year let us resolve not to succumb to laziness.

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