Gayatri Sadhana the truth and distortions

PERFACE Ever since the beginning of the Vedic Era, chanting and contemplation of Gayatri Mantra and performance of Gayatri Yagya have been considered the most potent means of invoking the divine energies ,latent in the deeper layers of consciousness ,for the refinement ,upliftment and wellbeing of individuals and the society However,with the passage of time, especially during the dark medieval ages of feudalism and foreign domination, three came about a general all-round decline of ethical moral and social values .As a result, Vedic rituals ,modes of worship and prayer also underwent gross distortions at the hands of the entrenched gross distortions at the hands of the entrenched priestly class. There merchants of religion, through their perverted interpretations of the scriptures ,ordained that Gayatri Sadhana was the exclusive prerogative of male members of one particular caste,the Brahmins ;and all other Vamas (castes)were for Bidden to do Gayatri sadhana.Women were strictly forbidden to take up Gayatri Sadhana .The priestly class ruled that if any woman dare do Gayatri Sadhna ,great misfortune will be fall her. They also declared that the Gayatri……

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