Our Great Heritage of Yagya - Amritvani

May - Jun 2009

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Let us begin with the collective chanting of the Gayatri Mantra:

“Om Bhur Buvah Swah, Tatsaviturvareñyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yonah Pracodayat ||”

Sisters and Brothers,

Once upon a time a starving beggar came to a poor Brahmin’s house. The latter was about to have his meal with his family. They hardly had one to two breads per head to eat. But he, his wife and two children, everybody donated their food to help the starving beggar. The beggar ate with satisfaction, washed his mouth and then left for his journey ahead. Few minutes later a mongoose came there and rolled on his back in the wet soil where the beggar had washed his mouth. What a surprise! His skin had turned golden! When the tiny mongoose enquired about this ‘magic’ from a saint, the saint explained that it is no ‘magic’; it is the effect of a great yagya that was performed in the soil where you were rolling.       

Yagya is a foundational pillar of Indian Philosophy and Culture. Everybody, rich or poor, mighty or weak can and should do yagya.   It is not necessary that there should be fire-sacraments, sacrifice of special herbal preparation and chanting of mantras. Yagya can be performed without all that. The core philosophy dwells upon altruistic feelings and actions. It was indeed a grand yagya performed by the host family in the above aforesaid scriptural anecdote. If you help a helpless old person, say arrange for the surgery of his cataract, or arrange for the examination fee of a hardworking but financially deprived child, I would say you have been a good yajamana, you have done a yagya.  This is what the Indian Culture, the culture of the rishis teaches us that we be sensitive to others’ sentiments, pains and try to share their problems to our level best. 

If we all cultivate an altruistic attitude, will there be any problems in our society? Will there be thefts, robbery or smuggling?  No. The criminal tendency would not crop up if benevolent sentiments, compassion, grow in one’s heart. One then realizes that he is not alone on this earth but ‘traveling’ with many others like him. Then the thief would think whether the people whose money or valuables he is stealing have enough to meet their essential needs and emergency requirements?  This simple change in attitude itself would be like initiating a yagya with the help of thoughts and emotions. Adopting the philosophy of yagya in our outlook can transform our actions into yayga.  What is the philosophy of yagya?  It is the philosophy of noble deeds of caring and sharing.  For this you will have to inculcate sensitivity and respect for others. You must have heard the couplet of the holy Ramayana: “Siya Ram maya saba jaga jani, karahuó pranam jori juga pani!” (Considering the whole world as manifestation of Dual-Divinity of Sita-Ram, I bow with folded hands to every being).  

What we need today is to deeply introspect and realize whether we are humans only by virtue of our physical appearance or we also have the mind and the heart like humans? Have we allowed devilish tendencies or beastly instincts to overrule our pure Self? Are we haphazard as per our agile mood – sometimes good, sometimes bad? Who is our controller then?  Tell me one who starts introspecting thus will he not become wary of his actions? Will he, as a grocery-trader be able to sell adulterated spice powders, will he as a milkman mix urea in the milk he supplies to anyone, will he as a doctor would inject spurious medicines into patients blood? 

With a good beginning of self-refinement, gradually you will see the seeds of spirituality sprouting in your heart. If you are a religious person, irrespective of your sect, there should be some awareness for moral values, for refraining from sinful acts, for behaving respectfully, for caring for and loving others.  Having integrity of character and sensitivity for all beings is an essential spiritual quality. If you have inculcated it in your heart and mind, you are progressing well as a devotee of Gayatri and Yagya – the two foundational principles of spiritual ascent, of alchemy of transmuting of ordinary mortals into great, angelic beings.

You look into your life, examine your daily routine, your behavior with family, neighbors and friends.  What do you find? Do you love and care for your family more than your interests and hobbies? Are you aware how much sacrifice your parents and spouse (especially wife) has made for you? In a typical social scenario in the Indian context, it is the wife who sacrifices the most. She works the whole day, helps you in all possible ways. Does she ask any salary for that? Does she take any holiday? Do you care for her hobbies, her entertainment, do you ever care to share some of her work when you have a holiday?  The altruistic service of a sincere wife, of a mother is at par with divine. 

Some of you may be simply fond of beauty of the body. This is a beastly tendency. Some of you may be loyal to your wife and family but have you seen the qualities of a goddess in your wife and your mother?  I do not know what is your imagination of a goddess? The deity which you worship in a temple with varieties of insane/blind rituals and pray to get your all - good or bad, justified or unjustified - desires fulfilled? I am not telling you to worship your wife or mother the way you might have been doing for the deity in a temple. But I just want you to think – are you really grateful to them? Are you not exploiting their emotions? Do you regard them with due sensitivity and honor?  If not, then you cannot be a devotee or spiritual seeker. Not only that, you are ruining your worldly happiness too. 

Remember that if you escape from your responsibilities for your old parents, your children also will not care for you in your later age. If you have not nurtured good qualities, moral values, sensitivity in your children, they will be egotist, selfish and irresponsible and could be harsh to you as, in your old age, you will not be of any use to them. It is said that if a mother breast-feeds the child in a gloomy mood or while in anger, the child will have depressive or aggressive psychology. Not only that, children’s delicate mind absorbs the impression of your habits and behavior. All your arrogance and insensitivity will turn back towards you sometime or the other; you will have to repent when your job and powers and health will not remain the same. This is truer in case of your social interactions. So be vigilant and try to rectify your mistakes. Be polite and duty-bond and understanding. 

Spirituality means pure love, selfless empathy. Spiritual virtues include patience, honesty, focused approach to work at hand, orderliness, assiduity, wisdom and foresight. Once during his oriental tour, Swami Ramteerth went to Japan. He got an opportunity to visit a factory and see the lifestyle of the worker. When he entered the factory, he found all the workers and supervisors were busy and engrossed in their assigned tasks. Nobody noticed him. They work hard throughout the day (They don’t get tea times and long lunch hours like you!). They understand the importance of their work for the progress of their nation.  They don’t think that they are mere employees so the responsibility of running the factory in profit, maintaining the quality, etc lies solely with the owners and the managements. In fact they regard themselves as equally responsible as awakened citizens. This is how their small country could rise so high in prosperity in such a short span of time.

What was amazing that even after returning home they are not tired and do not shout at children or spouse. (As many of you might be doing!). They cook together, sing and dance, go for outing and enjoy life fully during the weekend and also make creative use of the off time.  (Do you do that? Do you know how to love and enjoy working together with your family. No! You only know to complain. Complain about your wife, about food cooked by her, about children’s noise, and what not!).

Swami Ramteerth was highly impressed looking at Japan’s work culture and people’s attitude.  The next day, when he went for a scheduled lecture on Vedanta Philosophy he told the Japanese – “Why should I utter Sanskrit Shlokas and explain their meaning to introduce you to the philosophy of Vedanta, of spirituality to you? What should I teach you. You have already grasped and implanted in actions, the foundational principles of spirituality. I salute you!  You are all so honest and efficient in fulfilling your duties! I really admire it. You worship your work, what more to tell you? I do not know whether you go to any shrine or pray to God or not; or whether you read texts on spiritual philosophy.  What I have observed is that you have spiritual outlook, you are spiritual in transacting your duties. Your method of working, sense of responsibility is commendable indeed.  You know how to make best use of the potentials gifted by the Almighty. You know the art of smiling, enjoying. You know how to love and live together.”   

Well, my children! I cited this narration of Swamiji’s visit to convey to you the practical ways to live a happy and productive life; whatever be your circumstances today, you can find solutions by learning to smile and prepare for a better tomorrow.  You simply have to look at your horizons with new and wiser perspectives, have to analyze your expectations and method of working, remold your behavior and habits.  For example, getting higher salary or income may not be so easy. But you can always make some adjustments in your expenditure; plan a budget to make optimal use of your present income.  Planning the necessary requirements for the month, shopping only as per the organized list, curtailment of expenditure on indulgence in unhealthy habits such as smoking, frequently going to movies, drinking cold or hot drinks, etc, are some natural tips for good budgeting.  Do you do that?  Without this you will be dissatisfied and won’t be able to save for future even if you move upto a substantially high income-group.

The philosophy and scientific process of yagya holds the key to solving all the burning problems of today.  An outlook concordant with the philosophy of yagya will resolve all the tussles that lead to wars or warlike tensions between neighboring countries or between the regional and world powers. This is the philosophy of global peace. It can help resolve all domestic and international disputes most constructively.   It is the philosophy of mutual understanding, co-existence and generous sharing of resources.  Why can’t the heads of the countries meet and resolve the mutual problems by discussions, as, for example was done in the “panchayat” system for resolving the problems of villagers.  Well, there do take place round-table conferences and meetings between high-level delegations of the confronting nations, parties, and even in the international forums like the United Nations, SAARC, etc, but these are more of ‘political’ nature.

The root cause of wars itself is most often political and not prompted by any genuine problems faced by the people of either warring side. On the contrary, wars or threats of wars, the defense expenditure at the cost of cutting the infra-structural and civic development plans generate plethora of troubles and sufferings for the people. Just imagine: if the seawater could be desalinated and part of it made usable for drinking and irrigation, the global problem of water shortage will be solved and will minimize the sufferings of millions of people. It will also give boost to agriculture and food production activities and fulfill the requirement of the world. Some kinds of algae and sea-plants could be grown in the seas for purification of water.

This will also increase the production of vegetarian seafood. Equally important research and development projects are –– rain water harvesting and the prevention of destruction due to floods and conservation and use of flood water for drinking, irrigation and power-generation; constructive use of deserts for suitable vegetation – for example, in cultivation of petro-rich plants that require lesser water and are potential sources of petroleum production.

Search for viable and cost effective, alternative sources and methods of renewable energy generation, is also of utmost significance today. The manpower, intellectual and financial resources spent on strategic R & D should be oriented for the above kinds of constructive and globally beneficial projects.  The attempts initiated in these regards are negligible today. Moreover the economic losses due to risks of wars, environmental pollution due to hazardous explosives, missiles and nuclear bomb productions and testing, etc directly or indirectly further hamper the growth of constructive projects. If huge sums of money spent (or rather burnt) in production of sophisticated weaponry, were channelized for producing tube wells, rain water harvesting reservoirs, electrical power generation, better facilities for agriculture, self–reliance of villages by strengthening small scale industries, and other developmental projects including construction of roads, providing excellent facilities for children’s schools, higher level education, etc, it would have been in consonance with the philosophy of yagya which teaches us altruistic, farsighted efforts for welfare of all. The upward flame of yagya fire inspires us towards holistic development and progress.

(To be concluded in the next issue)

1.    Yajaka: Who participates in the process of yagya (fire-ritual). 
2.    Sadbuddhi – enlightened intellect that enables prudent distinction between the true and the false, the right and the wrong and leads to correct decision making; Sadgyana: pure, sagacious knowledge; Tyaga: sacrifice for someone’s welfare; renouncement of worldly gains for a noble cause; Sadbhavana: good will, benevolent sentiments, saintly feelings.  
3.    Mahakala: the All-Conquering Time-Spirit
4.    Sadvichara: righteous, reasoned thoughts; Satkarma: noble deeds (actions inspired by sadvichara); Sadviveka: Unalloyed, discerning intelligence (which generates Sadvichara).
5.    Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat: (May inspire) our wisdom to the righteous path.         
6.    Idah Na Mama: It’s not mine (it’s for the welfare of everybody).

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