
Jan - Feb 2007

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“Give me a revelation, Lord!”
the young man cried in despair.
Spring bloomed, and he rejoiced to see
spring’s beauty everywhere,
spring green on every bush, spring birds,
spring flowers in the air.

But, “Give me a revelation, Lord!”
he cried. Love filled his life
and blessed him with good pleasant friends
and a fair, gentle wife
and a gift to lift men’s hearts and bring
peace to their inward strife.

But, “Give me a revelation, Lord!”
he cried. He strove to do
as well as he knew how the work
that he was fitted to,
and to what truth he thought he saw
he labored to be true.

But, “Give me a revelation, Lord!”
still constantly he cried.
How often must the Lord have wished
to draw the youth aside
and whisper gently in his ear,
“Dear child, how I have tried!”

James Dillet Freeman

[From “Angels sing in me” Published with glad permission of Unity House, Unity School, USA – The Publishers]

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