Wake Up Call For the Youth

Sep - Oct 2006

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During the last few years of Gurudev’s sojourn on earth the one thing that was the cause of his deep divine disgust and heartfelt pain was the overall degeneration, depravity, crass selfishness and insensitivity of the so-called elites of society – in politics, administration, business, industry and professions - towards the sufferings of the vast majority of the deprived, oppressed and exploited masses. His constant refrain was that a dedicated band of youth from amongst the elites fired by soul level compassion, empathy and altruism could free the fallen human consciousness from the clutches of evil; and lead humanity towards an era of universal brotherhood, understanding and a spontaneous sense of sharing and caring – Love in action. Gurudev’s universalized soul acutely suffered with the sufferings and pain of the downtrodden masses – like Jesus Christ on the cross.

The situation has become far grimmer over the past two decades – in the world at large in general and in India especially. Wherever we turn our gaze, we are confronted with a depressing, deplorable and seemingly irreversible process of reckless and wanton defiance of ennobling values of Dharma.

We the Parijans of Gayatri Pariwar have been resolutely and humbly trying to arouse, inspire and train the youth of the country (in India as well as those living abroad) to join the ranks of warriors of LOVE IN ACTION by breaking free from the bondage of craving for worldly power, pelf and position; and offer themselves for loving source of ‘Narayan’ in the guise of the poor, the sick, the ignorant. Our humble efforts have given us encouragement to strive still more resolutely to build up a well-trained, well-knit and dedicated group of elite youth – engineers, scientists, healers, management experts, political and social activists, etc – whose hearts are overflowing with empathy and compassion for the sufferings and pain of the lowliest and the lost. Let the youth from all strata of society listen and respond to the call of the Time Spirit and join the vanguard of crusaders for total transformation of the deluded, divided and fractured human society into a new race where each individual soul lives, moves and has its being in the unifying cosmic consciousness of the Supreme Being. Thus will we be fulfilling the legacy of our Gurudev. A similar wake up call had gone forth from the great Swami Vivekanand, more than a century back in these stirring words:

“ Feel, my children; feel for the poor, the ignorant, the downtrodden; feel till the heart stops and the brain reels…….; then pour the soul out at the feet of the Lord; and then will come power, help and indomitable energy.
What we want are some young men who renounce everything and sacrifice their lives for their country’s sake-----
Be the servant while leading. Be unselfish. Have infinite patience, and success is yours------”

My Love-filled Navratra, Vijaya and Diwali Greetings to all Parijans.

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