Make me a Blessing, Lord

Sep - Oct 2005

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Make me a blessing, Lord! Help me
To help those needing help, to be
A blessing to my fellow men.
Instruct me to speak and when
To hold my speech, when to be bold
In giving and when to withhold;
And if I have not strength enough,
Then give me strength. Lord, make me tough
With my own self but tender toward
All others. Let there be outpoured
On me the gentleness to bless
All who have need of gentleness.
Give me a word, a touch to fill
The lonely life, faith for the ill,
And courage to keep hearts up though
My own is feeling just as low.
When men have bitter things to meet
And quail and would accept defeat,
Then let me lift their eyes to see
The vision of Thy victory.
Help me to help; help me to give
The wisdom and the will to live!

                                                                                                                    -  James Dillet Freeman

[Published (from Unity Book, Unity, USA) with deep gratitude to late James D. Freeman (1912 – 2003), a true friend and a great teacher, whose moving and musical words have provided spiritual inspiration to millions around the globe.    -Editor]

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