May - Jun 2004

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Notwithstanding the apparently dark, depressing, discouraging and daunting human scene, the seer – sages endowed with clear, penetrating vision have prophesied in unambiguous terms that behind the dark thick curtain and covering of appearances, all-seeing, all-conquering cosmic consciousness is unobtrusively but surely preparing human consciousness, through the chosen few as catalytic agents, to transcend its limitations and transform itself into a fourth dimensional Life of Unity, Love, Light and Bliss. Our Gurudev has been the latest in the line of such seers and we the Gayatri Pariwar Parijans belong to this worldwide vanguard of the legions of Light. When the history of this transforming upward evolutionary leap is written, there is no doubt, posterity will remember with deep gratitude the saga of the selfless sacrifices of these Peaceful Warriors of Light.
The clarion call given by our Gurudev, the World Teacher is that the only way to transform the world is first to transform ourselves individually through the triple effort of Sadhana (self-discipline), Upasana (self-surrender to the Divine) and Aaradhana (selfless service of the needy, the lowliest and the lost) – by practicing what we preach. Looking back, we can be fairly satisfied with the progress we, as a Mission, have made so far in moving towards the realization and concretization of our Master’s Vision and Will. However, far more intensive and concerted efforts are required to be made by Parijans individually and by the Gayatri Pariwar collectively, to hasten the accomplishment of the sublime goal – in one word, BHAGIRATH  PRAYATNA – is the need of the hour.
The legend says that king Bhagirath, through his unparalleled Tapasya, brought down from the Heavens the Holy Ganga to Earth for purification and liberation of the disembodied souls of his dear ones. Since then the Ganga has been a boon and a blessing for countless number of human beings here and hereafter. It is not a mere coincidence that Ganga Avataran Parva (Ganga Dussehra) and Gayatri Jayanti (the sacred day of revelation of Mother Gayatri) are celebrated on the same day. Another divinely - designed coincidence is that our Gurudev also cast off his physical sheath on this very sacred day – Gayatri Jayanti –Ganga dussehra – on June 2, 1990. This year this Twin - Parva falls on May 29. The Yug Nirman Yojana initiated by Poojya Gurudev is, in its aims and objects (as applied to the human soul and psyche), like the sanctifying and purifying flow of Holy Ganga.
As part of our intensive, collective and concerted Sadhana, let us pledge on this Twin –Parva to take up for concentrated implementation three projects:
1.    Purification of the Holy Ganga:
    Through our own follies we have converted the Holy Ganga from Utarkashi – Joshimath through Rishikesh -Hardwar – Prayag – Kashi right up to Gangasagar into a stinking, swelling and swarming gutter by dumping into it the dead bodies of so-called sadhus, poisonous effluents of factories and even sewage water and wastes of the cities lying on its banks. Let us resolve to lead a relentless campaign against these suicidal and unholy practices and force the powers - that – be to take time- bound remedial measures to restore the holy river to its original pristine purity.
2.    Spread of Gurudev’s Message and Vision:
On the sacred Mahasamadhi Day of our Divine Teacher let us pledge ourselves to still more intensive efforts towards the dissemination of his inspiring, illuminating and uplifting message amongst the masses by substantially augmenting the circulation of AKHAND JYOTI – the mouth piece of the Mission in its original version in Hindi (with six lakh subscribers); its editions in various Indian regional languages (another six lakh subscribers); and its recently started bi-monthly English edition. We must resolutely endeavor to increase the readership of this unique multilingual magazine of integral spirituality so that more and more awakened aspirants for integrative spiritual vision become aware of our epoch – transforming campaign of Yug Nirman Yojana. In addition, we must also intensify our efforts towards further promoting the readership of Gurudev’s multi-volume inspiring and illuminating literature.
3.    Disseminate information amongst the elites as well as the masses about the aims, objects and achievements of the two path-breaking institutions established for actualizing the vision and will of Gurudev:
(i)    The Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan : Established in 1979, it has been engaged in integrative in-depth research, through scientifically verifiable methods, in the realms of soul, mind and body, aiming at the synthesis of science and spirituality. As a part of its Silver Jubilee Celebrations, special programs have been planned to be carried out at different places in India between coming Guru Poornima Parva (02-07-04) and Vasant Parva (13-02-04). Let us motivate maximum number of enlightened persons from all walks of life to participate in these programs.
(ii)    Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya : Formally founded and consecrated on 23-05-1999; it started functioning, after its formal incorporation as a deemed university, in June 2002. We are holding its first convocation in July 2004.
    Printed material giving detailed information about both these institutions will be made available at all centers / branches of the Mission for wide spread dissemination.
    Lastly I fervently appeal to all parijans to collectively celebrate this Twin-Sacred Parva on May 29/30 at their nearest centers/branches in a befitting, solemn and worshipful manner and take the above-mentioned three-fold pledge.
            With heartful prayers and wishes

Shantikunj,                          Dr. Pranav Pandya
Hardwar                              Chief Editor
Uttaranchal (India)                  Head – All World Gayatri Pariwar &
249411                        Chancellor – Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya


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