magazine_article :: (All World Gayatri Pariwar)

Vastu Shastra: An Established Science V: Some Guidelines on Arrangements in the Kitchen

As mentioned in the previous article of this series, kitchen is given paramount importance in the ancient Indian and Chinese science of architecture. There is a popular folk-saying in India that household discords begin and end in the kitchen.

While constructing a new house, the gas-platform should be constructed along the eastern wall with substantial portion touching the south wall as well; so that the stove could be kept in the southeast corner and the person using it would face the east.
The width of the slab should ideally be about 1.5 to 2 ft. The slab would, obviously, touch the south but should be kept at least 3 inches away from the north. In case the house is already constructed or is rented, where the platforms cannot meet these requirements, then the platform could be in the westward direction and gas-stoves could be placed in the north-west or west direction. If that, too, is not practical in the existing house, then electrical utilities of cooking may be kept in the southeast corner of the kitchen or a small lamp of ghee or oil could be kept lit for as much time as possible.

As we had discussed earlier, the best place for the kitchen is in the agneya (southeast) direction. In view of the Shastric interpretations, heat and reddish (-yellow) color are supposed to be most auspicious for this direction. This is another reason why keeping the source of fire (gas-stove, etc) in this corner of the kitchen or lighting a lamp here is advised. There has been the vedic tradition of constantly keeping the ghee or oil lamp lit in this direction (corner). This is supposed to significantly reduce the negative effects of the faults (in terms of the vastu-principle), if any, in the design of the house.

The southeast direction is also referred as having the place of the Goddess of food (grains). Some experts of Vastu Shastra specify "Pakashala Agnikone Syatsuswadubhojanaptaye"; meaning the food cooked in the southeast direction is especially tasty. The scriptures also mention of having the dining room, dining hall or place of eating in the west (Bhojan Pashcimayam Ca Vayavyam Dhan Sancayam). It is supposed to add some benefits of soothing mental health; all members of the family would then enjoy an extra support of having their minds balanced and calm. If dining facility is to be arranged inside the kitchen, this could be in its west or northwest part. Washbasin should best be placed on the north or east of the dining room; west could also be a choice. Bathroom should not be made adjacent to the dining room.

Sitting in the west and facing the east while eating is ideal. Although, sitting on a piece of cloth or jute on the floor and keeping the food-plate above a wooden plank is ideal, the use of dining tables is becoming more and more common these days. The shape of the dining table should be square or rectangular. Round, triangular or elliptical shaped dining tables are considered inauspicious, in general. Eating in a relaxed and peaceful mood induces enormous healthy effects. Apart from the habit of cleaning the hands, that of chanting specific mantras and prayers with deep feelings of regarding food as a divine gift would bring magical changes for the better in health and harmony.

According to the Chinese principles of Feng Shui, the south direction represents the principal direction of fire element, and the east represents that of wood-elements. As the latter is used in the fire for cooking, the southeast direction being combination of the two is best for placing the kitchen. Both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra specify east as a natural alternative in case it is not possible to construct the kitchen in the southeast. It is often difficult to construct the kitchen in the southeast corner of the houses that open in the east or the south. In such cases, the second alternative as recommended by Vastu Shastra, is the northwest (vayavya) direction. As stated earlier, the kitchen slab should preferably lie along the southeast or eastward wall of the kitchen.

Kitchen should not be constructed in front of a bathroom/toilet, bedroom, makeup room (if any) or the worship room. Because of space constraints, the idols of deities are placed and arrangements for worshiping made in the kitchen in many homes. In such cases, care should be taken not to have the worship corner towards the southeast, or near, above or below the sink or the gas-stove/cylinder.

Having the kitchen in the northeast or the west directions, although termed as generally inauspicious, one should not worry if there are compulsions to make the kitchen in either of the direction only. In these circumstances, the positioning of the slab or especially the gas-stove should be chosen in the corner of the kitchen, which is towards the southeast or east. The northeast corner should be used for keeping water storage vessels to compensate for the negative effects.
The northeast corner of the kitchen is best suited for the latter; in fact, it is said that keeping the gas-stove or fire-source there leads to counteract the harmful effects in terms of the natural energy currents, because fire and water have mutually opposing properties. The arrangement of cooking should be such that the gas stove (or heater etc) should not be below a window or in front of a door or outlet this, apart from the Vastu guidelines, is essential in order to prevent the mixing of dust or pollutants in food. The person who is cooking should not face the door(s); further, as per the Chinese beliefs, he or she should also not have the back towards the door. Care should be taken that no one is able to see the kitchen, especially the cooking-process, from outside.

The gas-stove or burner should not be placed next to the sink or refrigerator; it should not lie right in front of the water storage vessels in the kitchen. These should be placed at a distance of about 3 to 4 inches from the wall but should not be kept in the middle of the kitchen. In case of a gas-stove, care should be taken to keep the gas-cylinders well protected from heat and fire. The knob should be properly closed while not in use. If the gas stove is placed in the southeast corner, its burner should be kept on the eastern side of this corner and the cylinder (in use) in the western side. If there are more than one gas-stoves or burners, the extra ones may be kept in the south of this main corner. Extra cylinders, if any, may be kept in the southwest direction.

 In case the kitchen is placed in the northwest direction, the gas cylinder in use should be kept in the middle of the western corner. As said earlier, the cooked food gains maximum benefits of natural energy fields if the cook faces the east while cooking.
The second choice prescribed in Vastu Shastra is that of facing the south for good effects. Chinese scriptures on Feng Shui give significant importance to the cooking appliances such as the burners, heater, gas-stove, cooker, etc. Food grains are supposed to be the sign of good omen there. The disorder (of Feng Shui) in the kitchen is believed to be harmful for the health and prosperity of the head of the family.

The internal arrangements inside the kitchen also play important role in terms of vastu or Feng Shui effects. Positions of the basin for washing hands, sink for cleaning the utensils, tap, drinking and cooking water containers, electrical appliances, milk, curd etc should also be optimized according the science of vastu, taking into account the practical constraints.
As a broad guideline, it should be remembered that the elements of mutually opposite or conflicting nature (e.g. fire and water, or those naturally having or expanding heat and those being cold, etc) should not be kept together or facing each other. For example, water container should not be kept in front of, below, adjacent or above the source of fire (gas-stove, heater etc). The fixings of racks, exhaust fans etc, should also be adjusted accordingly. In fact, all these should be taken into account while designing the house so that the positioning of ventilators, windows, doors, kitchen platforms, sink, taps etc does not pose any problem in making the internal arrangements as laid down by the vastu- Shastra experts.

The washbasin, sink, bathroom or laundry-section should not be in the southeast direction; neither should be adjacent to that corner of the kitchen.This direction, as stated earlier, happens to be the principal axis of the natural subtle field of fire. In such cases, the mutually incompatible characteristics of fire and water disturb the peace in the house and enhance the chances of imbalance, clashes and quarrels in the house. If the kitchen is in the southeast direction, the water-related utilities could be placed appropriately (e.g. sink inside and washbasin etc outside at a distance) in the northeastward region, but not exactly in the northeast corner. These should preferably be more towards the east; these may be positioned in the northward direction as well. If the kitchen lies in the northwest or west direction then the sink and water-tap etc should be placed in the western corner of the kitchen.

The pipelines or other arrangements for outlet of water from the sink in the kitchen should be so constructed that the water flows out towards the south, west or southwest direction. The water storage tanks (on the terrace of the building or the small ones inside the kitchen), if any, could be made in the northeast. The water-container in the kitchen should also be placed in this corner of the kitchen ideally; the second best choice for it as per Vastu principles would be the side or corner of the kitchen towards the north.

The rack or cupboard for keeping utensils inside the kitchen should ideally be placed along the walls in the south or the west. These could be anywhere except the walls in the east or north, as doing so is supposed to attract untoward effects in terms of vastu. Care should be taken not to fix or place them above the gas-stove or other fire-sources, as this would be inconvenient and risky in practice. Milk, curd etc should preferably be kept in the north-east corner of the kitchen.
The facilities like refrigerator should be kept in the south, north, southeast, west, or northwest corners. Northeast and southwest corners should be avoided, because, if kept in these corners the electrical and thermal machines would require frequent repairs. If it is a must to keep them in either of these two directions, they should be kept at least 2-3 ft away from the walls. Microwave oven, mixer etc could be best kept somewhere between the south and southeast directions. Grinding stone, broomstick etc should be kept in the southwest corner; the northeast corner is prohibited for such things.
The containers of grocery should be kept in the northwest direction; nothing empty should ever be kept in this direction. Second choice could be the southwest direction. The region between the northeast and the southeast is also described to be good for grocery storage. As per the Vastu guidelines for arrangement of other utilities inside the kitchen, the heavier ones should be arranged towards the west or south and the lighter ones be placed somewhere in the east or north side.

 The Vastu teachings cited in an earlier article in this series specified that having the kitchen-windows in the east and the north directions gives healthy effects of sunlight and fresh breeze; this design would also satisfy Vastu principles. As per the latter, having the entrance door of the kitchen in the south direction is inauspicious people in the house would face tussles and tensions. There should not even be a window in this direction; may be a small ventilator could be made if it is a must; the best place for ventilators is towards the northeast. Having proper exhaust facility is necessary for the kitchens where firewood or kerosene is used as fuel or where there is no cross-ventilation; the best directions for fixing the exhaust fan are east and north.

Having the floor-level of kitchen above the other rooms is beneficial with respect to vastu effects. According to Vastu Shastra, the flooring of the rooms placed in the southeast, south, west, northwest or southwest should never be below that of the other rooms. It is practically the best to have all rooms at the same level. As for any other room, the downward slope (if required for water-exit) of the floor in the kitchen should be towards the east or north but never towards the west or south. The color of the walls and floor also matters. Light blue, gray or brown is supposed to be good for the kitchen while red and yellow are not.

 The description of the internal design of the kitchen presented above should also give broad idea about the best directions for placing the furniture / furnishings commonly used in other rooms. Most important thing to be noted here is that the rooms should not be cluttered with unnecessary furniture, decorative pieces etc. There should be proper ventilation and availability of fresh air and sunlight.
The internal settings of each room should be such that the mind gets naturally attuned according to the purpose of the particular room. For example, the living room should induce feelings of cooperation and sociability; entry in the study room should make the mind alert and energetic; the atmosphere in the kitchen and dining room should induce appetite; bedroom should give a feeling of relaxation and tranquility, etc. In the next issue we shall look at Vastu principles for the bedroom(s) in detail.

.............................(Series to be continued)