magazine_article :: (All World Gayatri Pariwar)

Laughter - The elixir of happiness

Happiness is a sign of fortune.
The home of a happy person is the abode of Lakshmi. Those who are perpetually unhappy are deserted by Lakshmi. A cheerful persons face radiates a glow, a sense of abundance, which brings to him all the success in the world. Happiness is a spiritual attribute. A person blessed with this attribute is not only able to get rid of his own sorrows but also cheers up others.
A joyous persons personality has the magnetic power of attraction. People seek his company and friendship. They forget their pain and suffering and feel at peace in his soothing presence. A happy person is like an angel.
He gives succor and joy to the world and makes it a better place to live in. A person should develop the habit of laughing at every possible occasion. One who does not laugh does not know the art of living. Laughter and smile are the bedrock of youthfulness. One who can laugh and be unreasonably happy remains young and vibrant. On the other hand, a sulky and sad demeanor makes even a young person look far older than his age. A happy person has a magnetic charge and the whole world feels attracted towards him.
A pessimistic and lamenting attitude creates repulsion. Happiness is the nectar of life. Those who are joyful drink deeply at this fount of nectar while habitual weepers foolishly dissipate and destroy this vital life giving force.
If you laugh the world will be with you. If you cry, you will cry alone. Nobody would like to be associated with you. Humour is the spark of life; weeping is the shadow of death. Humour increases longevity. It is a true friend, companion and servant. Those who laugh often are successful in life. Laughter ends enmity, turns adversaries into friends and cools down tempers.
The life of a cheerful person becomes a festivity whose every moment gives him joy, hope and bliss. Laughter is the key to good health. It is at once a physical, mental and intellectual exercise. It rids the mind of tension and gives it a soothing rest. Mental and emotional disorders generate toxicity which gets accumulated in the organs and the whole nervous system goes haywire. Cheer and gaiety removes this toxin. Laughing makes the lungs strong, purifies the blood and augments its supply and potency.
The exhilaration generated by laughing cures disorders of the stomach. Digestion is improved and there is a general toning up of the whole body. Laughter is thus a panacea for good health. Day to day problems, thrown up by life, lead to a general ennui and lethargy. Laughter removes these weaknesses and fills a person with new energy, enthusiasm and hope. A cheerful person does not feel frustrated or perturbed in the face of adversities. His mind remains sharp and clear enabling him to surmount the biggest hurdles in life. If we study the lives of the great persons we would find happiness forming an intrinsic and prominent component of their personalities.
The secret of their greatness and success has always been their equanimity and capacity to remain unruffled and happy in all circumstances. Happiness increases a persons work efficiency manifold.
A happy person can do in one hour what an unhappy and dejected person is unable to do in a full day. Besides, a work begun with zeal and enthusiasm is sure to be successfully completed. A spirited beginning is the augury of success.
Conversely, a work which is taken up and done cheerlessly and half-heartedly is likely to remain either unfinished or fruitless or of very poor quality.
A sad and dejected person dissipates all his energies. Joylessness is a curse. It destroys all the vital elements of life and leaves a man morose, wretched and lonely. People turn away from him and his life becomes a burden under the weight of loneliness. An ill-tempered person is unable to find joy either at home or outside. He is covered with a thick pall of glom which engulfs even his family members.
They cannot speak freely or laugh openly in his presence. Even the normally boisterous and playful children look scared and subdued.
A joyless person is a jealous person. He will neither enjoy life himself nor would tolerate others enjoyments. He is paranoid about people who laugh and rejoice, and keeps cursing them. He smells conspiracy in laughter around him and takes it as his personal insult and humiliation. If he cannot protest openly he seethes with inner rage; but whenever he is in a position to assert, he has no hesitation in heartlessly spoiling the joyous atmosphere.
One who assigns no importance to laughter in his life forecloses the door to his fortune. His whole life becomes a barren desert, which produces nothing but misery and sorrow. Human life is a gift of God. It is not meant to be wasted in weeping and whining. Rather, it is to be celebrated as a festival, singing and laughing.
True, occasionally since sad and tragic events befall us, when laughter and gaiety would not be appropriate. Such tragedies should be offered their share of tears. But this does not mean that one should get immersed in this grieving so deeply and permanently as to make the whole of life sorrowful. In the scheme of life, tears are by way of exception, but laughter is its very breath.