magazine_article :: (All World Gayatri Pariwar)

Gayatri Pariwar Parijans are expected to strive extraordinarily hard

The transition period between two seasons is of very special significance, as it brings about extensive changes in the subtle as well as physical world.
There is upsurge of rhythmic churning and changing in all nature. Individually the body throws up dormant disorders/diseases in order to be healed and cured.
The same is the case with the environment, where old order is disturbed and new harmonies require to be re-established.
That is why wise and discerning people utilize this period in specific sadhana for their own inner and outer cleansing and for the benefit of the masses.
Vedic literature is full of detailed guidelines for special Navratri sadhanas. It also cautions that if one misses this special opportunity of self-refinement, the forthcoming period of six to eight months might prove highly turbulent, trying and painful.
This year shardiya navaratri festival will be celebrated from September 26 to October 4, 2003. It will be special opportunity for undertaking some mode of sadhana during this period. The world is going through momentous, far-reaching and rapid changes these days. It is the Hour of God when Divine Will has decreed to change the destiny of earth for good. In a way, the nine-year period starting from this ashwin navaratri of 2003 to ashwin navaratri of 2012 is one long navratri of yugsandhi (the transition period between the end of the age of darkness and the beginning of the Age of Light). Those who undertake spiritual endeavors during this specific period are destined to be the torchbearers of this transformative process.
The Divine call for us all Parijans is to shed our selfish motives and pursuits and become more and ever more loving, kind, compassionate and caring. If anyone takes one step in the right direction, Divine Guidance and Grace will effortlessly take him to the one hundred first step and bless him.
Navratri sadhana is not limited to only nine days. It is true that the austerities and discipline to be observed during this period are difficult and it is not possible to continue with all of them over a longer period of time. However, even if a small part of it becomes a routine of daily life, one should consider himself progressing satisfactorily on the upward path. We have to always remember that we are not ordinary people. We have taken birth to contribute our mite towards achieving superior goals for the society and ourselves. Therefore, our aim should not be to remain busy all the time in amassing worldly resources and in gratifying the lust for materialistic achievements. We are fortunate to have been blessed with a great spiritual guide in Param Poojya Gurudev Pandit Sri Ram Sharma Acharya, who, with the wealth of his tapa, removed our miseries and blessed us with virtues and capabilities so that we could pursue higher and nobler aims of life. He always stressed that after self-refinement, the next step is the refinement of the society and humanity at large. We must prove ourselves worthy of Gurudevs divine legacy. According to the prophecy of Sri Aurobindo too, the year (2011-12) would mark the end of transition period and the dawn of the era of Truth. He prophesied that the transition period of 175 years between kaliyug and satyug had started with the Avatar of Sri Ram Krishna Paramhans in the year 1836 and that there would be world-shaking changes during these 175 years, and many great persons would take birth. He further envisioned that at times, it would appear as if life on earth was going to end; but by the dawn of year 2011 it would become clear that the twenty-first century belonged to India and that India would be in the vanguard of humanity for ushering in of satyug spanning a period of 1000 years. Independence of India, its advancement in the field of science and technology and its cultural and spiritual renaissance are proofs of the authenticity of Sri Aurobindos prophecy. Now comes the last nine-year period of climax. We hope that the readers of "Akhand Jyoti" and Gayatri Parijans will listen to the Divine call and refine and remould themselves accordingly. Tulsidasji in Ramcharitmanas writes: "Taji taji bhushana bhog sukh , jiyat awadhi ki asa"; that is: during the period of fourteen years of banishment to the forest region of Lord Sri Ram, the people of Ayodhya lived with simplicity, self-control, and abandonment of luxuries ardently looking forward to the Avatars return. In the same way, we too should observe austerities and aspire ardently for the descent of Prgya Avatar in the coming nine years. For advanced sadhaks, the Mission has suggested to take up Gayatri Abhiyan Sadhana.
It consists of Japa of five lakh Gayatri mantras in one year, observing certain austerities (mentioned, in detail, in Poojya Gurudevs book titled "Super-Science of Gayatri"). Those who cannot do this rigorous sadhana should, at least, observe some austerities leading to self-control and self-refinement. Dev Sanskrti Vishwavidyalaya (a deemed university) is emerging as a model of education in keeping with the needs of the emerging world order. The classes of the second year for important courses like Divine Culture and Tourism Management, Total Health Management, Spiritual Science and Yoga, and Curative Psychology have already started with the Gyan Diksha Samaroh (Initiation ceremony) of 320 students. The university is planning to introduce courses on the "Art of Living" and will gradually evolve into an institution of the stature of Nalanda and Takshashila. The university is dedicated to mould its students as enlightened citizens of the New Age. It is envisaged that the graduates of this university will accelerate the process of ushering in of the era of Truth and will actualize the dream of making India the spiritual Guru of humanity. The campus of the university is planned to be expanded.
Some additional nearby land has been acquired for this purpose. Now the total area of the campus will be around 90 acres. When the history of this Institution is written, the future generations will know how the parijans of lower and middle class contributed generously towards the noble cause by cutting their own minimal needs and they will also realize how the sankalp (resolve) of awakened divine consciousness-force makes the impossible as real. We have already completed the construction work estimated to cost more than rupees forty crores without taking any grant from the Government or huge sums from the rich and the mighty.
All this is the result of our faith in our Gurusatta (guide, controller and protector). We request our readers to continue deepening and refining faith in the Divine and, on the auspicious occasion of Navratri develop the courage to undertake self-refining sadhana and come forward to help in terms of time and money in making this great project a glorious success. Finally, on the auspicious occasion of the Festival of Lights "Deepawali" (October 25, 2003), we pray to the Divine Mother Lakshmi to fill our souls with Her Divine attributes of Love, Life, Harmony, Beauty and Abundance.
I wish you a very happy, fulfilling and prosperous Deepawali. Shantikunj, Hardwar (Uttaranchal) India Dr. Pranav Pandya Head, Global Gayatri Pariwar & Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya