Elites Should Come Forward to Manage the Religious Setup

Progress of an individual and the society depends on their right thinking and right way of working. A needy man can be offered some immediate help but such support does not bring about a permanent solution. Medicines alone cannot cure a patient unless he also exercises self-restraints in his overall way of living. If we follow only the treatment part of prescription and ignore the restrictions advised by the physician, the disease will continue to re¬cur again and again. Therefore just offering doles to the poor is not the real solution of poverty. By giving food, we can, temporarily satisfy a poor man's hunger, but it is not at all possible to go on feeding such a man indefi¬nitely. Poverty will vanish only when the poor become industrious and put an effort to cam their livelihood. This holds good for all problems. Self-help is the real help. Mental sickness is the root cause of the miseries and deprivations in the life. The only remedy is to reform and refine the thinking process of man. In fact there cannot be a nobler task than purifying one's thinking and cor¬recting one's erroneous beliefs and wrong notions. Ac¬quiring knowledge and awareness of soul and God and imparting these to others are the noblest of boons. The Brahmins of old use to take a vow to do so throughout their life, were respected as God. Today such persons

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