Unqiue Spiritual Experiment on Collective Consciousness

Disastrous Circumstances of the Present Times The Twentieth century has witnessed astonishing development of science and technology. The colossal ‘magical tools ‘and comforts thus offered to the world are truly beyond the imaginations of our earlier generations. However ,This Single-tracked advancement on the materialistic fronts appears to have neglected or suppressed the other domains of life and induced some kind of void and isolation in people’s life In several respects ,it has also contributed to the shattered value system in the society. The modern trends of civilization are attracting the masses towards consumerization. More and more consumption and luxuries fuel one’s cravings and greed in greater proportions. Thus ,in spite of his visible progress and prosperity ,today’s man is living under great scarcity and dissatisfaction. He is thirsty for a drop of peace and happiness depite being in the pool of ever more cozy accessories, entertaining aids and sophisticated comforts. The mob mentality seems to be entrapped in the vicious cycle of ago ,avarice and ambitious possession ,These together with passion and excitement of sensual pleasure have crossed all the limits ,virtually perverting the man-a civilized social being ,into a living ghost. This decline has shaken the family institution and destroyed the social harmony ….The scenario is gloomy on personal fronts too… Erogenous conduct has drained out the vital energy and harvested physical and metal weakness ,disorders and diseases in return. Blinded in the glitter of ever-new and fascinating products and luxuries, today ‘s man has overlooked the morals of honesty….

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