Divine Message of Vedas Part 4

Human life is a tale of constant struggle and constant mental agitation. There is a constant tug-of-war between the soul’s anguished cry and the temptations for the indulgence of the senses. We try to march forward firmly towards the ultimate objective, but the temptations of the outer world attract us in the opposite direction. The body is unwilling to co-operate with our ideals and we become servants of our wishes and physical desires. Because we run after the desires of the senses, finally our destruction takes place. We forget that eternal bliss lies in giving up the pleasures of the senses and not in pursuing them. Has our Supreme Father given us this invaluable human birth only for wandering after the pleasures of the senses? Is ‘eat, drink and be merry’ the only aim of life? For fulfilling our wishes and desires we carry out every type of proper and improper deed, but do these deeds really satisfy us? No, the desires come one after another in endless list, the fire of desire becomes more and more intense - is it ever possible to subdue it? It is an irony of human life that ignoring our soul’s cry, we stray from the path of bliss and go on the tempting path of momentary happiness.

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