Deep Yagya

Yagya Paddhati ( Procedure Procedure Procedure Procedure Procedure ) It has been composed in Sanskrit S¿t•as rather than in ïlokas . Therefore, being easy in comprehension, recitation and repetition, this S¿t•a paddhati has proved very popular in India and abroad. In this paddhati , the underlying philosophy has been explained below under the caption "Introduction", while the emotions, feelings and actions have been given under the heading "Procedure". These can be easily comprehended by the assembled devotees, if explained properly and briefly. It is by discreetly explaining the instructions pertaining to rites and rituals as well as the spirit behind them that the masses can be associated with a life dedicated to Yagyaiya life style. Being simple and easy, any literate, enthusiastic and interested person can learn the procedure for conducting " DipYagya " within 2-4 days. In this way, the movement of " Vic³r K•³òti " and spiritual uplift of the masses through the message of the G³yat•º Mission can be spread rapidly.

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