A Manual of Hindu Marriage

Marriage is an important institution of human society. In the remote past of human history man was living and behaving like an animal. Then he was hardly ever aware of his relationships to his parents, brother and sisters. In the biological kingdom, this primitive man was even subordinate in status to the animals. Neither did he have the strength of an elephant nor the sharp teeth and claws of the carnivore. He did not even have the hard protective hide of the rhinoceros and could not save his life by any other extraordinary physical capability. Nevertheless, he did possess the unique human instinct of cooperation and organization, with the help of which, he could dominate over the animals besides protecting and proliferating his own species. But in spite of this natural trait, in absence of permanent arrangements for housing, food and clothes, the primitive man was living in small groups, in large caves and on trees. Since in those days the institution of family had not come into existence, the relation between man and woman was different from what it is today, in modern times.

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