why suicide

Why Suicides?

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Most people find their lives purposeless, wasted and worthless. That is why with an ordinary illness or some slightly unfavorable situation, the individual prays for an end to his life.
In the opinion of one psychologist, every person thinks of committing suicide more than once in his life. It is a different thing that he does not develop enough courage to end his life.
Even then some impulsive persons commit suicide because of petty reason like failing in examination, losing a job, quarrels in the family or defeat in a court of low. The number of people committing suicide because of such reasons is on the increase.
Why do people commit suicide? Psychologists give various answers to this question. Some people say that a man gets so much frightened on seeing disappointing atmosphere everywhere around him that he does not find any solution except this.
According to some psychiatrists, people with violent tendencies who are unable to express them, destroy themselves by these tendencies.
Some persons find themselves so much lonely and helpless that they find no benefit in living and they think, ‘why not to commit suicide?, after all what is there in life?’. Some persons think of committing suicides during emotional excitement and prepare a plan for suicide during such a condition.
The main reason for suicides is said to be depression due to any reason, whether due to physical illness or failure in examination, love or competition.
A tendency of revenge is also said to be behind suicides. According to this opinion some member of the family commits suicide to teach a lesson to other members.
Some people commit suicide because of a burden of feeling guilty, since they are unable to find a solution to get rid of guilty-feelings. Many others commit suicide because they are fed up of old age, rejection by spouse, unemployment, court cases etc.
The reason for suicide is the experience of worthlessness of this life. It is also true that each person not just once, but many times thinks of his life worthless and many times a burden. To free himself from this burden, the person thinks of self-destruction.
The question arises, ‘Is life so much worthless that by disappointment in small matters, one should think of ending it’ If a self-analysis is made seriously, it will be found that every person finds many times that his life is worthless and a burden.
Whatever the reason, but the worthlessness of life is felt with such intensity that by ending it, no difference is felt.
Knowingly or unknowingly, in every person’s mind, there is a feeling of disappointment, sadness and lack of worth regarding his life and this is expressed from time to time in various ways — sometimes as sadness because of lack of success, sometimes as irritation due to heavy work, or sometimes as inconsistent conduct with others.
All these negative sentiments are concealed expressions of feeling worthless. There is another kind of life like a flower which keeps on spreading its fragrance all round from the time it flowers forth till it falls to the ground.
Life is like a river, which keeps on flowing from its source to its merger into the sea.
That the feeling of worthlessness of life gives rise to the wish for suicide is evident from the fact that man wants to keep only useful things which are worth-keeping. No body likes to keep worthless dirt with him.
Therefore when life is found worthless, it is but natural that man tends to destroy rather than save it. There may be some connecting fibre, which, because of attachment or infatuation, may save him from rash acts but when such a connection breaks down, then the desire for self-destruction becomes intense. This desire becomes fulfilled upon gathering enough courage — otherwise there is only the wish in the individual.
Many have found life’s fulfillment in collecting wealth, but even wealthy persons have been found committing suicide. Many people have tried to make lives successful through fame, reputation and renown. It has been found that even after success in the direction, they are satisfied. Some think that life becomes worth through scholarship and knowledge but many profound scholars and knowledgeable people and scientists have been found committing suicides.
These types of successes create and illusion of success, but do not give a meaningful life. In life became meaningful with these, then big scholars, wealthy, famous people, leaders and knowledgeable people would not be seen dejected, disappointed and unhappy.
What makes life meaningful? With a little thinking, it becomes clear that man’s own soul is a part of the vast universe.
Man’s soul — bound within the body — is eager to meet the vast sea of vitality pervading the universe. Whosoever has understood this eagerness, made the gesture of dissolving one’s selfish interests in the vast interest of the universe — they have never been found to be disappointed,  nor is a description found of such a person, who, having accepted the direction, has ever committed suicide. Just as a drop of water merges into the river and becomes meaningful, similarly man also, by breaking away from the hold of his wretched ego and merging into the vast creation becomes meaningful and fulfilled. Then the question of thinking about committing suicide does not arise at all.
Weakness is also a type of unforgivable sin which gives rise to impulsive sentiments and ultimately to disease. It is natural for those without strength to feel hopeless and sad, but nature does consider lack of strength as some disease or helpless and pitiable condition. Sages with the strength of knowledge have called weakness as a sin, for which the punishment has to be suffered in all spheres. When every particle of creation inspires you for gathering strength, and the facilities for this are available everywhere, then why should you remain weak because of laziness and inaction? Weakness is not a condition but a result of laziness and lack of action. For this reason, whatever be the type of weakness — whether physical, mental, intellectual or spiritual — the person will have to bear unfavorable results of efforts in the related field.
A weak person is not able to take proper advantage of his natural rights. The effect of nature’s organization always works against him and the rules and organization which gives benefits to the strong, the same prove injurious for him.
For such an individual, song, music, entertainment, facilities, money and wealth, all these are of no use, to the extent that he is not able to sleep peacefully. It is well known that the reason for ill health is weakness. Bacteria and other matter which can produce ill health cannot remain even for a second in a strong and well-nourished body. The moment they enter, the body’s vital resistance-power destroys them. How is this possible for a weak person?
From an intellectual view all that is best and beautiful is included in the literature. The advice and experience of pleasant sweetness, love and beauty can be had through the medium of literature. If unfortunately some person is a victim of intellectual weakness, then the incomparable knowledge and the treasure of joy of this world has no value for him.
Blind and deaf people are able to enjoy literature by hearing and reading literature, but mentally retarded people remain deprived of this joy despite enjoying good health.
People with mental strength are able to go ahead even in adverse conditions. As against that, mentally weak persons become disappointed and stupefied in similar conditions.
Where is it possible for spiritually weak persons to make any kind of progress in the spiritual field? For them — that joy and peace which a spiritually fulfilled person gets and makes his life successful is not only available, but impossible.
The elements like water, air, heat, open brightness never harm anyone, but they become fatal for weak persons. It is also said in Sanskrit language ‘‘Devopidurbalaha ghatakaha’’ i.e. for a weak person, even deities are fatal. As a result of lack of alertness, laziness and malingering, people are not able to pay any attention to the supreme requirements of life. Their own weaknesses grasp the contrary of effects of supportive powers. The elements which are helpful to strong persons become injurious for weak people.
Not only health and peace but honour and reputation are also given to powerful people. Everyone looks in a cruel way at weak and feeble-minded persons. The existence of an emotional and weak person is insecure in every place and situation. No body becomes helpful in their development and even God seems to be averse to such a person. Even cruel death throws its cold arms around them first. The principle and rule in this life is the protection and development of the fittest. That is why in its organization, weak people have to face dangers and suffering at every step.
One must accept the need for nourishing and maintaining strength for successful and secure life.
Swami Vivekanand has written that first of all one must develop strength. Developing and maintaining strength is the only path to progress. By this way only can one go nearer to the soul and the Supreme Entity viz God. Whatever the goal, it is achievable only by individual or collective power.
Sudden success is not achievable in any field. For that purpose, one has to go on developing one’s powers by constant efforts.
There is no doubt that all the things and attainments are achievable. But it is also true that for achieving them, worthiness is essential, also it is equally true that to protect them development of the powers is essential.
Worthiness is created only by constant efforts. There is no scarcity of knowledge in this world, but there is a scarcity of that intellectual capacity because of which we are not capable of attaining it. That capacity has to be developed by constant education.
To develop worthiness and strength for success in any fields only this rule applies. For this reason, weakness is considered a sin which makes a person stray from the pain and throws a person into the pit of difficulties.
Weakness is considered a terrible punishment in the law of nature. To remove it, one will have to become worthy because only a strong person becomes successful in the battle of life. Such a person never becomes old, because he always remains young at heart.
Nutritious food is certainly essential for keeping the body healthy, but even more essential is the stability of mental condition. Nourishment gives energy and energy provides health. However the essential source of energy is the brain which provides not only the energy for digesting the food but to keep all the organs of the body working in organized co-ordination.
howsoever nourishing the food, it will not give any benefit if the mind is upset. On the contrary when the mental condition is peaceful and balanced, health can be maintained even with meagre simple food.
Constant mental exertion without interest causes dryness of the skin and other skin-diseases. Similarly at the time of anger, fury and excitement or during disappointment and dejection, the mental condition produces poisonous chemicals internally and their effect is seen on the body. Although the effect is seen on the body, the symptoms are related to the condition of the mind. Lingering frustration and fear due to any event or situation are the two diseases conferred on man by modern culture or ‘progress’ — psychiatrists call them as depression and phobia. Such type of ill persons keep an attitude of resistance towards their familial and societal obligations. The main symptoms found in these patients is to become irritated at the drop of a pin and to start weeping suddenly after becoming angry.
Emotional tension also gets converted many times into physical pain. Headache, pain in the abdomen, pain in the joints, chest-pain, pain in the waist etc are more because of mental reasons than physical ones. The root causes here is some worry, fear, some anxiety about trouble in the future or some unhappy memory of the past. This condition of the mind affects any organ of the body and manifests in the pain in that part.
Many a time it has been seen that the doctor after a complete medical check-up of the patient is not able to find out any reason for his improper health. But the patient experiences pain and illness, suffers, loses weight gradually and becomes unfit to carry out ordinary work.
Each work should be performed with full understanding, responsibility, eagerness and sincerity. Laziness and malingering should not be allowed to enter there, and the stigma of avoiding it and slackness should be prevented. With all this, it cannot be said with definiteness that what has been desired, will happen. One should be ready for partial success or even failure so that the mind remains composed. One must think that the world is not created for us only, there is a partnership of innumerable people in this world, and what we consider beneficial for us may also cause loss to others. For maintaining a balance in nature’s creation, all have to be considered. If someone wins in a game, the other has to lose. This fact applies in the sequence of events also.
One must constantly cultivate the practice of balanced, peaceful, steady and hopeful attitude. All know the importance of having a strong and beautiful body and also desire and work for it. The supremacy of mental strength and cheerful appearance should be considered even more important. No work remains impossible if one has the confidence. Even in desperate situations and totally without any means, with the help of personal confidence, they gave a thought to the road to progress, sought it out and reached the pinnacles of success. There is only one condition, that is, one should not be disappointed and sit in a corner.
A smile on the face is God’s visible blessing to man. One who smiles and makes others smile is full of magnetism, spreading fragrance around him like a lotus. This is one’s own creation. If it is made a part of one’s nature and firmly practiced, then one’s personality becomes uncommonly beautiful. Neither can old age snatch it nor is it affected amidst difficulties. The body remains strong during young age only. Both childhood and old age are governed by incapacity. Illness and harassment fragments it. But mental strength garnered on the basis of self-confidence always gives company and like a life-giving vital force, is always ready to grapple with all difficulties.
The great thinker P. Cyrus has written, ‘‘Good health and good ability to understand are two blessings in life.’’ The ability to understand is directly related to good health. There is an English proverb which says that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. One, whose health is not good, his mind, his thoughts and understanding will never be mature. A man can be judged on the basis of his good or bad health. People leading a life of morality and good conduct are healthy, strong and free from illness. There is a divine smile on their faces. There is such attraction in them that everyone desires to talk, develop friendship and always wants to be in touch with them. People do not like to be separate from them. There is life-force in a healthy person and that is why people are attracted to him.
Everyone in the world has so many personal problems that he has no desire to listen to others’ problems. He has greater desire to meet and obtain cheer from others. The poor chap who is himself irritated, without cheer, unhealthy and anxious______ how can he provide cheer to others, how can he attract others to him? It is said that people do not help a pauper. In many situations it is possible that close friends maintain relationship despite lack of money, but people always avoid weak and ill persons. One can never think of benefitting from them. Such persons are considered to be a curse on the society and the nation.
A weak person is forced to lead a life of suppression because of lack of courage and lack of spirit of adventure. Nobody is ready to become a companion of a weak person, to the extent that even God forgets a man cursed with weakness. In this world lack of strength is a very big sin causing unhappiness, whether this lack is physical, mental, intellectual or any other type.
Health and strength only are the pillars of happiness and peace. Lack of these two causes, God knows, how much bitterness and restrictions in life. Life’s proper development is possible only when body is strong and well nourished, the heart is generous, mind cheerful and intelligence without corruption. With distorted health and life, no project can be achieved.
Only the mind is the center of experiencing happiness and unhappiness. If the mind is clouded and unhappy, then even with a healthy body, a man is similar to a dead body — without emotions, interest and activity. The person will not feel happy in any work nor feel like talking to anyone. When the mind is unhealthy and unhappy, even the occasions of happiness appear painful. With mental unhappiness, hunger and sleep are also reduced. Hence mental health is very much essential for happiness and cheer. In their absence, nothing remains for the man except to suffer from unhappiness. Mental health is nothing but freedom from lust, anger, jealousy, malice, disappointment, dejection, restlessness and dissatisfaction. If the mind is healthy, it is essential to experience happiness peace, cheer and contentment.
Sometimes troubles come and destroy man’s cheer. Many people give up their patience when faced with such troubles. Never do this. Troubles come on everyone and after coming, go away also. Let us face them cheerfully. Let us welcome them smilingly and beat them and drive them away. We must constantly rely on our self-confidence and do not allow it to slacken or weaken. Forget the painful experiences of your past, never allow them a place in your mind, because they are obstacles in the path to your happiness. You should always think about happiness, mentally move in an atmosphere of happiness and go on thinking about happy people.
To a large extent, nay, almost all disease do not have their roots in the body. Many people die before time because of distress, afflictions, sudden troubles or sudden calamities, but many mental afflictions gradually and slowly produce their effect and make the man ill. Because of long term grief circulation of blood slows down, the face looks pale, the skin dry and eyes look dirty.
It is a common rule of the body that the wish for joy, entertainment, hope, love and happiness makes the body strong and gives it plenty of health. There is also the truth that fear, sadness, jealousy, hatred, disappointment, distrust and other mental distortions also causes illness in the processes within the body.
Mental balance is kept going with the series of events either real or imaginary — of unfavorable circumstances. It depends on the person’s sentiment or sensitivity on whether he will avert it by taking them lightly or decides to face them with courage or becomes afraid and loses his own mental balance. If the person is cowardly or too sentimental, then for him even a small event also assumes a large proportion and even a slightly fearful imagination stirs him and perturbs him. In this way the blows and shocks of circumstances strike and affect first of all totally the state of the mind. While in conditions of fever, headache etc, the body becomes helpless, unable to do anything and restless, mental imbalance causes even worse situation because body works completely under the control of mind.
To obtain success and prosperity in life it is man’s bounden duly to make his mind cultured. He should not allow his mind to descend to low levels and keep his heart full of high ideals. A man’s life will be great and successful to the extent of his generosity. Only narrow-mindedness makes a man’s life restricted and dissatisfying.
The mind is the overall controller of man’s life. Life’s destiny will be in accordance with the mind of the man. Mind should be considered the mould of man’s life and man’s life should be considered the reflection of the mind. The extent to which this mould is beautiful, neat and perfect to that extent man’s life also would be cast in that mould and be beautiful, neat and perfect.
Happiness and peace are not available in any external means and gadgets. Happiness and peace reside within man’s tendencies. One whose tendency of heart is cheerful, contented and joyous, he will have joy and cheer on every occasion. One whose mind is sad, lazy and dissatisfied, he will be engulfed by jealousy, suffocation, dissatisfaction and restriction.
One who has purified his mind and controlled it, he does not require any assistant in the whole world. An obedient mind is man’s greatest and real assistant. Purification of the mind is in itself a very big penance.
Worry, fear, anger, suspicion, wrong type of thinking ——  in all these, main wrong attitude or wrong type of thinking is at work. Disappointment, feeling of inferiority, feeling of helplessness also makes a person handicapped. The way in which others can be stopped on the path of sin, in the same way one should be alert and awake regarding one’s own self.
The mind should always be employed in creative works. The troubles discussed above can be avoided on this basis and proper avenue for progress is also found. To destroy undesirable traits, creative far-sighted solutions should be adopted. The solution does not lie in girding the loins and becoming ready to fight.
Generally a man is not able to see his own mistakes. He is easily able to find out others’ faults, but always ignores his own deficiencies. Introspection and contemplation have to be practiced to find out where we are at fault. If a man starts practicing the skill of finding fault and criticizing his own self, then all the roads to salvation, which are blocked, can be opened. One who tries to understand his own mistakes and corrects them, will not be surrounded by bad situations. People want favorable circumstances and benefit from them, but do not make efforts to become worthy for them.

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