Super Science of Gayatri

The effect of sincere and steadfast Gayatri Sadhana is swift and miraculous in purifying, harmonizing and steadying the mind and thus establishing unshakable inner peace and a sense of joy-filled calm even in the face of grave trials and tribulations in the outer life of the Sadhak.

A comprehensive treatise on the super-science of Gayatri was written by Acharyashri in Hindi and was published in three volumes (now available in one single volume). An English translation of important chapters of these books was published under the title " The Great Science and Philosophy of Gayatri" The present volume - " Super Science of Gayatri" is a thoroughly revised, edited and expanded version of the former book with appropriate additions and corrections. The earlier edition " The Great Science and Philosophy of Gayatrr contained some errors and omissions as also de¬fects as regards printing and get-up. This book "The Super-Science of Gayatri" contains all which is worth knowing about Gayatri Mantra, Gayatri Sadhana and Gayatri. Yagya and it is hoped that by logically establishing co-relationship of sci¬ence with spirituality in the modem age, it will provide to the aspirant readers unambiguous guidelines, deep inspiration and firm faith in Gayatri Sadhana and fulfill the true purpose of human life.

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