Recitation and Meditation

I am immensely grateful to Shantikunj, Haridwar for conferring upon me the honor of translating into English, Guruji Shri Pand it Shriram Sharma Acharya's learned treatise on the subject of "Recitation (Jap) and meditation. (dhyan) - the two stages of worship". It is indeed a privilege to be asso ciated with any exercise that is undertaken with the purpose of acquainting wider world audiences with the richness, scholarship and piety of Indian philosophi cal thought. In rend ering the complexity and subtlety of Guruji's expressions, into English, I ha ve endeavored throughout to remain true to the contents of the origin al text, even if it has occasionally meant using simpler terms and phrases for the sake of clarity. It is my earnest wish that this translation would prove to be of great help to the serious student in Indian philosophical thought; to those involved in spiritual pursuits, and also to the lay reader.

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